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The Benefits of Raspberries

Raspberries are one of the most popular berries in the world and are available in various colors like black, orange, purple, red, white and golden. Being a good source of many nutrients like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, flavonoids, dietary fibers, phytonutrients and much more , they provide a lot of health benefits, but it should be noted that benefits of raspberries are not just limited to health and there are also some beauty benefits of raspberries for skin and hair.




Raspberries are an excellent source of antioxidants They are high in Vitamin C and carotene , they fight the free radicals of our body, stabilizes them and thus prevents them from causing oxidative damage to our body cells.   Raspberries are very well known for the ability to fight cancer and makes them an ideal food to caner prevention 




Raspberries prevent sun damage. According to a Serbian study, the raspberry ketones in the fruit were found to have potential use in the cosmetic industry. This is because of tiliroside, a compound in raspberry found to inhibit melanin production at the intracellular levels . Hence, tiliroside could be a potential skin whitening agent for use in cosmetic products. In fact, certain sunscreens containing raspberry oil as one of the ingredients showed to enhance skin health by offering better antioxidant and UV-protective activities .



Raspberries work like magic on wrinkles. They protect the skin from the harmful sun rays. The antioxidant powers of vitamin C effectively reduce the age spots and discoloration. By filling in minor wrinkles, they can help you restore your youthful appearance. By doing this, they also prevent us from the risk of premature aging which can otherwise give rise to skin problems like fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, dark spots, etc. Antioxidants present in raspberries not only keep premature aging at bay but also helps in making our skin beautiful and glowing. It is interesting to note that raspberries contain about ten times more antioxidants than tomatoes. So, if you are looking for a nice method of keeping premature aging at bay, then adding raspberries to your fruit plate is a good idea.  The raspberry seeds are very rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids which have been proven to be great for treating skin related conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.



Maintain healthy hair.Raspberries have many benefits for maintaining good hair health since they are very rich in vitamin B; which is great if you’re suffering from hair loss or want to minimise grey hairs. Raspberries also contain folic acid which is great for inducing hair growth and making your hair shinier. Raspberries also contain vitamin C which has been shown to be very beneficial in maintaining a healthy scalp.


Healthy bones. Manganese is a very important mineral that can be found in raspberries. It is very important for healthy bones as it aids in increasing the mineral density of bones. 

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